Mummy spent the day packing my things into boxes, she said I am only left with 1 toy to play with for the rest of the week. I got the shock of my life, how could this be happening to a cute little 5yr old jrt who just celebrated her barkday. I was frantically scratching and biting the boxes to get to my treasures, Mummy got angry and took out the long lost "Heavenly Sword", ok she won, I back off for now.
Mummy even kept my bed, I went back laying on my usual hideout and there was no bed. It makes me moody. I want my toys and bed back.
Leave your paws here
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Christmas Clean up
Posted by Janet Tan at Sunday, December 26, 2010 2 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
I am 5 yrs old today
I am a active 5 yr old Jrt today, Mummy is not in a good mood to hold any celebration for me this yr, but she still brought me to meet up the Jackerteers and to celebrate christmas at Bubble house. I had fun meeting them as its been weeks since I last saw them. Mummy wish is to try her best to be with me as long as possible.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, December 25, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
S&R Training in a Dark Room, probably the last time to be there with Mummy
Today, the officers gave a new task to me. They wanted to test if I'll be able to search in complete darkness together with Mummy. I was lead to the 2nd storey and started searching. It was so fun, even though Mummy could not see where I was, I knew exactly where to go. I found my 1st victim in less than 10 mins. The 2nd one in another next 10 mins. For the 3rd one, the officers trick me leaving old scent and I was barking at the wall. Mummy knew something was not right and lead me to the rooms to continue to search. I managed to find the exact spot where the victim was after some time.
Mummy say this might be the last time I get to go there with her.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, December 11, 2010 1 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
No Outings for the time being
Mummy say no outings the next few weekends, its a sacrifice which I must understand. Mummy not looking so good recently. I got to be a good girl. Mummy compensate by buying me new toys to play when she got her pay.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, December 04, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Mummy posted in FB, saying she will never have another better dog than me. keke
Posted by Janet Tan at Thursday, December 02, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
My 2 first tries
Actually, I was not allowed to be in there as the security says that no pets are allowed, but I am no pet, I am the princess of the Tan family.
I had fun playing fetch with all the hoomans and they love my activeness. I managed to snack on some food too.
I was not tired from all the fun but I'm tired from staying inside the carrier for too long, I hate to be inside. I keep crying till my face was wet. But I was a good girl, Mummy for the 1st time took me on a bus, its so boring and Mummy had to pacify me so I will not make any noise during the trip. Mummy promised if I can be so quiet everytime I get into my gai gai bag, she will bring me to ECP again by bus haha. I doubt I be so obedient.
No pics as blur Mummy always forgets something when she bring me out, this time she forgot all about the camera, and so using her lousy handphone, she manage to record a vid of me playing with a guy of cos.
Posted by Janet Tan at Sunday, November 21, 2010 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
New AVA Rules
To enhance public safety, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore has reviewed the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules to tighten existing control measures for the management of potentially dangerous dogs in Singapore.
2 The review was conducted in consultation with stakeholders such as dog owners, animal welfare groups, veterinarians and the general public. The changes to Dog Licensing and Control Rules will come into effect on 15 November 2010.
Enhanced Control for Scheduled Dogs
3 The Perro de Presa Canario will be transferred from Part II to Part I of the potentially dangerous dogs listed in the Second Schedule under the Dog Licensing and Control Rules. The requirements for keeping a Part I dog will apply to all Perro de Presa Canario. This breed of dog will henceforth not be allowed to be imported and any dog that is already in Singapore for which a new license is applied will be required to undergo obedience training.
(The full list of dogs in Part I and II of the Schedule is attached in Annex A).
4 Only one dog from Part I or Part II of the Second Schedule is permitted to be kept in a premise. This will apply to newly licensed dogs and existing dogs will not be affected.
5 The keeping of dogs from Part II of the Second Schedule will also be subject to the following additional conditions:
i) All existing and newly licensed Part II dogs must be microchipped
ii) Owners of newly licensed Part II dogs must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
iii) Owners of newly licensed Part II dogs must take up a banker’s guarantee for $2000
iv) Newly licensed Part II dogs must undergo obedience training
Enhanced Control for All dogs
6 Regardless of the breed, any dog that initiates an unprovoked attack and caused injury to a person or animal, will be subjected to one or more of the following control measures, depending on the severity of the bite :
i) The dog must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
ii) The dog must undergo obedience training
iii) The dog must be microchipped
iv) Premises where the dog is kept must be secured to prevent its escape
v) The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
vi) The owner must take up a banker’s guarantee of $2,000
vii) Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000.
List of Scheduled Dogs (with effect from 15 Nov 2010)
Part I
1. Pit Bull, which includes the American Pit Bull Terrier (which is also known as the American Pit Bull and Pit Bull Terrier), American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, and crosses between them and other breeds
2. Akita
3. Neapolitan Mastiff
4. Tosa
5. Dogo Argentino
6. Fila Brasileiro
7. Boerboe
8. Perro De Presa Canario (moved from Part II to Part 1 wef 15 Nov 2010)
9. Crosses of 1 to 8.
Part II
1. Bull Terrier
2. Doberman Pinscher
3. Rottweiler
4. German Shepherd Dog with its related breeds such as the Belgian Shepherd Dog and the East European Shepherd Dog
5. Mastiffs, including the Bull Mastiff, Cane Corso and Dogue De Bordeaux
6. Crosses of 1 to 5.
Summary of Control Measures with effect from 15 Nov 2010
(new measures are highlighted in bold)
Part I Scheduled Dogs
1. Dogs must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
2. Dogs must be microchipped
3. Dogs must be sterilised if over six months of age
4. The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
5. The owner must take up banker’s guarantee of $5,000
6. Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $5,000
7. Newly licensed dogs must undergo obedience training
(Note : With effect from 15 Nov 2010, the existing 22 licensed Perro de Presa Canario will be moved from Part II to Part I of the Schedule. There are no other Part I dogs in Singapore.)
Part 2 Scheduled Dogs
1. Dogs must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
2. All existing and newly licensed dogs must be microchipped
3. Newly licensed dogs must undergo obedience training
4. Owner of newly licensed dog must take up an insurance policy for at
least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
5. The owner of newly licensed dog must take up banker’s guarantee of $2,000
6. Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000
All Dogs
1. Dogs must be leashed when in a public place
2. Any dog that has initiated an unprovoked attack and caused injury to a
person or animal, depending on the severity of the injury, would be subject to one or more of the following control measures:
a) The dog must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
b) The dog must be microchipped
c) The dog must undergo obedience training
d) Premises must be secured to prevent the escape of the dog
e) The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
f) The owner must take up banker’s guarantee of $2,000
g) Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000
Posted by Janet Tan at Sunday, November 14, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Need to build up stamina
Need to build up my stamina for my Search & Rescue training. Under the hot sun, my furry body gets tired easily. This is a big disadvantage to small dogs like me as we are so close to the ground surface.
Today I did a high jump like 3 times my body length, the officers and Mummy praise me for being a daring girl, pity Mummy did not capture it on camera.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, November 13, 2010 1 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thank you, Chantel Jie Jie
Posted by Janet Tan at Thursday, November 11, 2010 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
Happy Deepavali
Mummy discovered a bite on my leg and suspect it might be a red ant bite as I could not have been bitten by a tick as I am immune to ticks. Anyway, I am not in any discomfort.

Posted by Janet Tan at Friday, November 05, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Fan Spoilt
Today, Mummy throw the fan out of the room as its spoilt. Its only been used for abt a yr and its gone. Mummy got to rush back after wk tmr to get a new fan cos I totally cnnt take the heat at all.
I with my kelian the look, Mummy on aircon early for me.
Posted by Janet Tan at Monday, October 25, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mummy in a bad mood today
Mummy is angry with the people around her, I can only lay down beside her on the bed. She don't allow me to go out of the room as she say no one will bother if I will fall sick or not. Best stay in the room.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, October 23, 2010 0 comments
Monday, October 18, 2010
Ginger the dinosaur
Mummy bought a new nylon bone for me, its chicken flavour. I like it so much. Below is my Godma trying to snatch my bone from me. Mummy says I look like a dinosaur.
Posted by Janet Tan at Monday, October 18, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Vid of my S&A Training
Its been long since i have updated my Search & Rescue Training. Today, I had to search for 3 victims at the big rubbles site. I did a good nearly half an hr search and tht really tired me out. I had to jump up and climb so many obstacles before I could find my victims. Its so fun and Mummy most of the time allowed me to do my own search.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, October 16, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Mummy's Brithday
Mummy celebrated her birthday with Shine and Zhu mei mei at KDR with friends and their furkids. A lot of fun was created, I had my share of fun playing around and eating. Mummy was having so much fun carrying a pig which make me had a jump.
Posted by Janet Tan at Monday, August 09, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My dental care
Mummy recently been avoiding my kisses of affection as she keeps saying my mouth smells like i ate 100 fishballs, stinks like fish.
Last week, she decided she needs to do something beside brushing my teeth everyday which I hate it as much as I hate cutting my nails. She brought plaque off for me. Its to be put into my daily food, it smells weird and I really hate it. But Mummy, she says if I don't eat my food, she will let me starve. I got no choice but to eat it.
But these 2 days, Mummy says my mouth smells better now.
Posted by Janet Tan at Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2 comments
Jumping Jack
Although I am bigger than those short-legged jrts, I am a better jumper than all of them. For the sake of my ball, I jump even higher.
Posted by Janet Tan at Tuesday, August 03, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Brushing teeth
The 2nd thing I detest most other than cutting my nails, is brushing my teeth.
Posted by Janet Tan at Sunday, July 25, 2010 0 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Posted by Janet Tan at Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A sudden thought
As the oldest in the Jackerteers, taking care and protect the young ones from other dogs which might bully them is my duty placed on me by Mummy. I must be the one to rush first to danger as I am a good fighter too.
As the oldest, that would mean that I might be the earliest to leave for rainbow bridge too. Mummy always hope I can go in peace and painless. She cannot see me suffer at all, she would go berserk. But this is not under me or her control, its up to Buddha if I had paid off my karma so I will go peacefully.
I would like to be with Mummy for 20 years as what she wished for, and irritate her for 20 years, make her clear my pee and poo for 20 years, whine and quarrel with her for 20 years, make her spend all her $ on me for 20 years.
Mummy, we still have 15 years to go.
Posted by Janet Tan at Thursday, July 08, 2010 1 comments
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Truth & Justice
Mummy just asked me a question, do I as a dog know how to define truth & justice. I looked at her and with my eyes I replied, YES.
Justice is, I get to sleep on a bed with my LG aircon on in the night. I get to eat fresh meat and bones. Rides to my favourite play spots and meet up with my paw friends.
Injustice is, my fellow brothers and sisters are forced to eat, sleep and shit in a small area, they were never bathed, never loved, never touched by a pair hands that show love to them. They have to bear with the torture of being used as a breeding machine, as months and years passed, they gets weaker and weaker, till death takes them free from their pain.
Truth is, I am also a product from breeding. But I am lucky that my Mummy never thought of using me as a breeding machine. I could have landed in some evil hands, I might never have experienced a life of fun and laughter. Truth is, I am just a dog, I can't decide my fate, I cannot make any decisions in my life, I cannot choose who is to be my owner, I cannot chose to be outdoor trained or paper trained, I cannot choose what I am going to have for my dinner, I HAVE NO SAY IN MY LIFE.
My fellow brothers and sisters could be living in hell now and when they are "out of production", they be dumped cruelly and might just die while I am sleeping on my cosy bed. Our fate lies in the hands of humans, being the lucky ones, I must be contented with what I have and be loved by my Mummy till my last breath.
Whats untrue is, there is no one in this world right now can overturn our ill-fated brothers and sisters life to be changed. Humans making use of sympathy to gain selfish gains for itself. Acting as a saint in the making, but in actual fact, its always been a sinner. God was mistaken for a devil, Satan was a Angel. With a small brain like mine, I only think of food now. HAHAHAHA...
Posted by Janet Tan at Tuesday, May 11, 2010 2 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
75 Puppy Mill Dogs
I think most of us had heard and read the stories of the poor 75 dogs from this local puppy mill at pasir ris. At 1st thought, we all feel so sorry for the dogs and want to do something to help them, and so a group of people step out and decided they should buy over all these dogs from the puppy mill owner so they will stop from the suffering of excessive breeding. I bet most of us will see them as saviours for the dogs. But I think otherwise.
Why should 11K be spent helping the puppy mill owner get rid of his/her burden. He/Her got 11K selling stocks that could no longer bring in profit. Bet in his/her heart, he/she must be laughing out loud.
As a group of people getting busy with cleaning up the dogs and gathering donations of food, medical or funds etc. Do they realise, that the puppymill owner had already set up another puppymill nearby and are ready for business soon. I will certainly feel like a stupid idiot if I were one of them.
And do they know am0ong them there is a devil who is actually friend of the puppymill owner, who helps spreading words about these poor dogs conditions, making use of human sympathy to help the owner get rid of his/her burden. OMG, this is even more infuriating than being cheated of 11K. Bet that Mr D had a share of profit.
To think Mr D was known being active in a shelter, always able to "RESCUE" ex breeding dogs, I guess by now we all know why. Why all ex breeding dogs are always dumped to a poor old lady to care for and yet after all the hardwork, the old lady get badmouthed at.
Guess what cause the old lady is old and ignorant, some despicable low-life make use of her name, getting monthly donations all into his own pocket, not a single cent was put to use for its cause.
If any of you think caring for shelter dogs is easy as clearing the pee and poo, preparing the food to make sure all are well-fed. You are absolutely wrong. I admire people like the old lady who expect nothing in return except that all her dogs will be alive and well.
Mr D, i hope u burn in hell. For those who believe in a devil like him, please wake up. Think back all that had happen, you realise just what a fool you been. Its not too late to stand on the right side of justice and truth.
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, May 08, 2010 9 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
I & MY Chicken
Today, when Godma got back from Malaysia, she brought back a friend for me. I really love it a lot, till I can fight Mummy just for it.
Posted by Janet Tan at Sunday, May 02, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
I love my Search & Rescue Training
Its been SoSooooSooooo Long since I went for my S&A training, i totally forgotten that I am a S&A dog. Mummy said I must have forgotten all my skills by now. But she was wrong, as a smart dog with looks keke, how could I ever forgot what I am good at, and the handsome officers whom I love so much.
They miss me a lot too and I got all manja with them. I even had a swim in the training village after my training. They love playing fetch and see how fast I could swim. I want to go there every Saturday.
Posted by Janet Tan at Tuesday, April 20, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
GInger playing with a sexy leg Pt. III
no shame at all
Posted by Janet Tan at Saturday, March 20, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My changes for 4 yrs
time really flies, I am 4 yrs old now. I can't remember how Mummy got me but I know I am being loved by her all the times I am with her. I changed from a cute little puppy to a wise adult. I can take care of the young ones and also protect them if I can. I am so much different and Mummy say I am so much matured than before.
Though I have lost my cute looks but Mummy says I am still the love of her life.
Posted by Janet Tan at Sunday, March 14, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Ah Boy & Lucky stay over for CNY
But Mummy been cooking for us for the past few days, that makes me feels so much better. Its been lonf since I've had Mummy cooked for me.
The boys all so lazy compared to me, they sleep after meals and so did Mummy, haiz. What a CNY this year.

Posted by Janet Tan at Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
I am being sent away again
Mummy sent me to Rain and Shine home today as she is going for a holiday. Its her 1st holiday since she had me, so relectantly, I allowed her to go and relax before starting on her new job.
Posted by Janet Tan at Monday, February 01, 2010 0 comments
Changi Beach Walk & Katong Dog Run
Its a nice sunny sunday morning, and Mummy brought me to Changi Beach. Its a nice walk with nice scenery, nice smell of the sea but I am not allowed to swim as Mummy say its dirty. Well nevermind, I can always go TJ Beach.
After the walk, the hoomans drove us to Katong Dog Run, where they had their lunch and we had fun playing in the dog run as there were not other dogs.
Posted by Janet Tan at Monday, February 01, 2010 0 comments