Club4Paws here I am again. Don't ask me why I love that place, as Mummy is the one bringing me there.
Mummy: who is the one early in the morning whining non-stop telling me she want to swim wan.
Anyway, I met up with my sidekick wannabe ZhuZhu, and she as usual don't like to swim but than Mummy say I should dive in the water more to show her how to be a great swimmer like me. But seems like she prefer to suntan.
For that "cursed place", we manage to go on Sat but thn our pawrents decide its not a good place for us to run around as its seems tick-infested.
So we went to BDR and meet up with JoJo. A lot of paw frens was there and Mummy took shots of us as usual.
And today, we Jackerteers went to to DoMo place for a friendly visit.
And we had fights after fights, non-stop action, speeding race around DoMo house. And we try to take a seat and take group fotos too.
Its not easy job.
Well thats it for my weekends, hope to have more fun next sun and also meet up with the jackerteers again.
The end of an era...
THIS BLOG started in 2007 : 16 years ago with the adoption of Barn2
(Barnabas Ju-Ern) to be with his brother Trax.
He married Clare Ern-Jie in 2010...
1 year ago
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