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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SKC Dog Show

Mummy brought me to the SKC Dog Show over the weekends, as usual we went with the Jackerteers gang and met up with a couple of frens there. There was Camry who won in the dog race, her Mummy was so proud of her. Mummy decided to let me join for the next SKC Dog Show, provided that she is able to wake up before noon, which I seriously doubt her on that.

But I did get something there, Mummy is so generous with her wallet, that she bought the 1st leather collar for me. Its a nice sweet pink, not suitable for me as the rest of the Jackerteers Pawrents commented, I should had the spikes collar instead. But Mummy insisted that I should have a more demure image to the public.

See below, it does looks good right.