To enhance public safety, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore has reviewed the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules to tighten existing control measures for the management of potentially dangerous dogs in Singapore.
2 The review was conducted in consultation with stakeholders such as dog owners, animal welfare groups, veterinarians and the general public. The changes to Dog Licensing and Control Rules will come into effect on 15 November 2010.
Enhanced Control for Scheduled Dogs
3 The Perro de Presa Canario will be transferred from Part II to Part I of the potentially dangerous dogs listed in the Second Schedule under the Dog Licensing and Control Rules. The requirements for keeping a Part I dog will apply to all Perro de Presa Canario. This breed of dog will henceforth not be allowed to be imported and any dog that is already in Singapore for which a new license is applied will be required to undergo obedience training.
(The full list of dogs in Part I and II of the Schedule is attached in Annex A).
4 Only one dog from Part I or Part II of the Second Schedule is permitted to be kept in a premise. This will apply to newly licensed dogs and existing dogs will not be affected.
5 The keeping of dogs from Part II of the Second Schedule will also be subject to the following additional conditions:
i) All existing and newly licensed Part II dogs must be microchipped
ii) Owners of newly licensed Part II dogs must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
iii) Owners of newly licensed Part II dogs must take up a banker’s guarantee for $2000
iv) Newly licensed Part II dogs must undergo obedience training
Enhanced Control for All dogs
6 Regardless of the breed, any dog that initiates an unprovoked attack and caused injury to a person or animal, will be subjected to one or more of the following control measures, depending on the severity of the bite :
i) The dog must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
ii) The dog must undergo obedience training
iii) The dog must be microchipped
iv) Premises where the dog is kept must be secured to prevent its escape
v) The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
vi) The owner must take up a banker’s guarantee of $2,000
vii) Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000.
List of Scheduled Dogs (with effect from 15 Nov 2010)
Part I
1. Pit Bull, which includes the American Pit Bull Terrier (which is also known as the American Pit Bull and Pit Bull Terrier), American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, and crosses between them and other breeds
2. Akita
3. Neapolitan Mastiff
4. Tosa
5. Dogo Argentino
6. Fila Brasileiro
7. Boerboe
8. Perro De Presa Canario (moved from Part II to Part 1 wef 15 Nov 2010)
9. Crosses of 1 to 8.
Part II
1. Bull Terrier
2. Doberman Pinscher
3. Rottweiler
4. German Shepherd Dog with its related breeds such as the Belgian Shepherd Dog and the East European Shepherd Dog
5. Mastiffs, including the Bull Mastiff, Cane Corso and Dogue De Bordeaux
6. Crosses of 1 to 5.
Summary of Control Measures with effect from 15 Nov 2010
(new measures are highlighted in bold)
Part I Scheduled Dogs
1. Dogs must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
2. Dogs must be microchipped
3. Dogs must be sterilised if over six months of age
4. The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
5. The owner must take up banker’s guarantee of $5,000
6. Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $5,000
7. Newly licensed dogs must undergo obedience training
(Note : With effect from 15 Nov 2010, the existing 22 licensed Perro de Presa Canario will be moved from Part II to Part I of the Schedule. There are no other Part I dogs in Singapore.)
Part 2 Scheduled Dogs
1. Dogs must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
2. All existing and newly licensed dogs must be microchipped
3. Newly licensed dogs must undergo obedience training
4. Owner of newly licensed dog must take up an insurance policy for at
least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
5. The owner of newly licensed dog must take up banker’s guarantee of $2,000
6. Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000
All Dogs
1. Dogs must be leashed when in a public place
2. Any dog that has initiated an unprovoked attack and caused injury to a
person or animal, depending on the severity of the injury, would be subject to one or more of the following control measures:
a) The dog must be leashed and securely muzzled when in a public place
b) The dog must be microchipped
c) The dog must undergo obedience training
d) Premises must be secured to prevent the escape of the dog
e) The owner must take up an insurance policy for at least $100,000 coverage against injury to persons and damage to property
f) The owner must take up banker’s guarantee of $2,000
g) Any existing banker’s guarantee would be forfeited for non-compliance and the owner must take up a fresh banker’s guarantee of $2,000
The end of an era...
THIS BLOG started in 2007 : 16 years ago with the adoption of Barn2
(Barnabas Ju-Ern) to be with his brother Trax.
He married Clare Ern-Jie in 2010...
1 year ago
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