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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jackerteers New Member

Proud to announce that Jackerteers had a new member joining us for our weekend outings. He is a handsome white wired jack, age 4 months old. He is a quiet but he is slowly watching and learning from his jie jie and the rest of the jackerteers. He response to his name the 2nd day Auntie J got him and he actually went to pee and poo on pee tray the 1st time he went to Auntie B and Uncle F house.

This is him @ BDR and Club4Paws for the past weekends. Though he is careful not to get into trouble with the big dogs, but he is enjoying himself running around, as for swimming, Mummy say I got to teach Zai well so he can swim as good as me.